Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lol post promos.

Wow, i actually managed to use DPP for all the pics! Only photoshopped a few in the end. Mmm. I should do that more often. And shoot in Raw. And repair/get new lens. Post Promos was supposed to be more fun.. Bleh.

This one got photochopped, like DUH (Cola)

I don't know what I was doing with these shots. Just bored, methinks.

Yea, they built this new building near my house? It looks like a, well, it is a car radio. xD.

Take heed, oh J2 seniors! Take heed!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Aces day (got spell wrong or not)


The colors looked better. I suweah.

Header material xD.

The only thing that adds color to our dull lives.

I shouldn't have added the noise. Oh well.

A card up his sleeve perhaps? Nah. Pitch pipe.

Is life more colorful on the other side? I can't tell.

Musik adds color!

Feel teh LOVE! (lenslenslens)

I got this from clouds -> black overlay -> invert flattened. Chinese painting?

Lol was bored. Nissan YO.

He's gonna kill me for this xD